Q. Why are dual-status technicians forced out by the action of military nonretaining by a commander? If an individual has 25 years in and this action is taken, is this not a form of age discrimination? My unit is going through a reduction in force and there is rumor this is what is going to happen to technicians who are 50 with 25 years or 25 years any service to cut back on full-time manning. Why would a career dual-technician be forced out because of serving their country?
A. Reductions in force are carried out using a set of strict rules. You can find out what these are and compare them with what your organization is doing at www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/workforce-restructuring/reductions-in-force. If you believe that any of these rules are being misapplied, you can report that to your agency’s Inspector General.