Q. I am currently planning on retiring on May 31, 2014. Will this allow me to me to get my full annual and sick leave earned during the preceding two weeks? Also, will it allow me to be on the annuity rolls starting in June 2014? I currently have 240 hours of annual leave computed through Jan. 11, 2014. Will this leave, along with any annual leave amassed from Jan. 12, 2014, through my retirement date, be combined for buyout purposes? I also will have 1,420 sick-leave hours earned, and I assume that it will be applied to my total longevity, bringing it up by approximately eight months.
A. Saturday, May 31, 2014 is the end of a pay period. So, you’d get credit for any annual and sick leave you earned during that pay period. You’d get a lump-sum payment for any annual leave you’d accrued to up to the day you retired. As you noted, when your initial annuity is computed, any days that don’t add up to a full month will be added to your unused sick leave to create additional months. Any hours that don’t add up to a full month will be dropped.