Q. I’m 66 with 18 years continuous service plus two-year military service, which I paid into FERS in order to get it credited. I had 20 years under FERS when I was 53 already. I’ve worked in the private sector since.

I understand the computation of the monthly benefits (@$95K x 20 years x 1.1%), but am not clear on what will happen with the FERS compensation (if any) from 62 to 66. Will the Office of Personnel Management pay this as a lump sum or calculate it into the impending payments or have I forfeited those years?

A. You aren’t entitled to any additional benefit. That’s because the purpose of the special retirement supplement is to bridge the gap between retirement and age 62 when a retiree is first eligible for a Social Security benefit. Therefore, the SRS is only payable to those who retire at their minimum retirement age with 30 years of service, at age 60 with 20 years of service, or upon early voluntary or involuntary retirement when they reach their MRA.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

1 Comment

  1. Not sure that you will be able to use the 1.1% in your calculation; I think you will only be able to use 1%. It sounds like you have forfeited your FERS annuity for the years between when you turned 60 until you finally apply to receive the annuity. This is assuming that I am interpreting your situation (you left federal government 13 years ago and have been private sector since) correctly. Perhaps one of the uber-knowledgeable folks who post replies can verify the accuracy of my response.

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