Browsing: federal pension

Q. Is any state free from federal tax on federal or military pensions? A. States having no personal income taxes include Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Those that exempt the total amount of civil service annuities include Alabama, Illinois, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York and Pennsylvania. Kentucky exempts civil service annuities only if the employee retired before Oct. 1, 1991; North Carolina only if the individual had five years of creditable government service as of Aug. 12, 1989; Oregon for those who retired before Oct. 1, 1991, with only a…

Q. I’m a FERS employee. I’d like assistance in computing how much federal service I have so I can determine how much more I need to qualify for a federal service pension. I have about nine years in the U.S. Army, as well as about five years in the U.S. Naval Reserve. My understanding is that both periods of service count toward federal service for pension purposes — but I need the totals so I can use that for a basis for moving forward. Which agency should I contact, and how should I make sure all of the federal service…

Q. I am employed by the state of Massachusetts as an attorney. I am enrolled in our pension system and will be eligible to collect it at age 55. If I left employment with the state of Massachusetts before being eligible for my Massachusetts pension in terms of age and took a job with the federal government as an attorney at the Department of Justice, would I flat out lose my Massachusetts time? Or could I get credit for it under the federal system? In other words, could I “buy back” the state service toward a federal pension? Assuming the…