Browsing: retired military pay

Q. I will be a 40-year-old physician with 12 years of military service in 2014. I plan on staying in the reserves. I would like to work for the VA as well, but I don’t know how to calculate my potential retirement benefits, assuming I stay in the military and retire from the Navy as well. I have read things about “buying into” a federal retirement with my years of active duty, but I don’t know what that means or what my best option is. What are my options for retirement if I stay in the Navy and work for…

Q. I am a retired chief petty officer with 17½ years of service. I am an information technician specialist under the Federal Employees Retirement System. I am buying my military time back and will have it paid off shortly. I have a couple of questions: 1. Will my military retirement check stop as soon as I pay the military deposit off, or does it stop when I retire from the federal government? 2. Part of my military retirement goes to the Veterans Affairs for my 30 percent service-connected disability, which is then sent back to me from the VA. Do…