Payment for unused leave


Q: I currently have an employee who insists on retiring at the end of the current year. This individual has agreed to work as a part-time rehired annuitant for a period not to exceed one year. The issue is this: She has 240 hours of carry-over leave, 168 hours of unused leave for this year and 120 hours of restored leave. Can the individual get paid for the leave and return to work immediately?

A: No. She would lose any leave that exceeded 240 hours, and that 240 hours would be carried over to her temporary position. Because unused leave is projected forward when calculating a lump-sum payment, even if her rehiring were to be delayed, she would have to repay the difference. For example, if she received a lump-sum payment for 60 days of annual leave and returned to work after 40 days, she would have to return 20 days’ worth of that money.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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