Monthly Archives: February, 2011

Q: It is not clear to me whether my military service time is credited to my minimum service (I have made a payment). Is a minimum of five years is required, excluding military time, to reach the minimum service time to meet the eligibility requirements for retirement under FERS? Is there a FERS vesting requirement? A: Yes, there is a FERS vesting requirement. You must have a minimum of five years of actual FERS service to be eligible to retire.

Q: I have a question regarding reinstatement and retirement. I began my federal career in 1982 under CSRS, and separated from employment in 2003 under a buyout. I withdrew my CSRS contribution in a lump sum upon separating. I am now thinking seriously about going back to the government. I will repay the lump sum, but which retirement plan will I be under, CSRS or FERS? A: You will automatically be covered by CSRS Offset (CSRS and Social Security) with the option of electing to be covered by FERS. If you elect FERS, your prior CSRS service would become a…

Q: I am a 54-year-old federal employee with 32 years of service. I am under CSRS. I was an Air Force Reservist from April 1975 to June 1986. I know my weekend drills and summer camps are not eligible to be bought back. I was wondering if my initial six months of active duty for basic training and technical school is eligible. This would have been before my civil service start date of October 1978. A: As far as I can determine, active duty for basic training in the Air Force reserve is not considered to be creditable service.

Q: If a FERS-covered LEO elects to take OPM disability retirement, is that LEO’s 25 percent Law Enforcement Availiability Pay included in the salary computation? I do know for the purpose of regular retirement, and when receiving DOL OWCP the 25 percent LEAP is included. I assume it also would be included in the disability salary calculation as well, but I cannot find a written policy anywhere that states this. A: All disability retirement calculations are based on an employee’s highest three consecutive years of average basic pay. Since law enforcement availability pay is considered to be a part of…

Q: I am potentially facing a medical disability retirement because of a heart condition under NFPA 1582. I am 33 years old and have both previous active duty Air Force fire (six+ years) and currently am an Army GS civilian (seven years). If I do go out on medical retirement, will I be able to collect my Social Security supplement right away or at all down the road? Should I buy my military time back even though I may be separating later this year? Can I buy military time back after I go out on disability? Can I withdrawal from…

Q: In 1995, I retired from active service in the army with 17 years. I have been working for 10 years as a FERS employee. I recently paid the deposit for my military service. According to the OPM website, once I have paid the deposit, I should request a “remedy” through my servicing personnel office to DFAS and when I receive this, provide it to the personnel office. I have made the request for the remedy. My questions are: Does the fact that I made the buyback for the post-56 military service affect my Service Computation Date? Will this impact…

Q: I started in 1991 with 6(c) retirement and then I left federal service in 2000. After the Sept. 11, 2001, I returned to federal service with 6(c) coverage in 2002. After researching the new law, I was able to buy back my FERS coverage from Aug. 26, 1991, to May 20, 2000, with the redeposit of $5,497.84 and interest of $3,277.42. Since this came from the 6(c) FERS, will it go back to my current 6(c) FERS retirement? A: I think what your asking is if your prior service as a law enforcement officer will be combined with your…

Q: I am working at a base that is under Base Realignment and Closure law. The base will close in September. Over the years, I had been covered under my husband’s health insurance, but since he retired and with the bad economy, they took away his HMO coverage and went back to traditional coverage; therefore, I was no longer covered for doctor’s visits. At that time (November 2010) I enrolled in the FEHB under an HMO plan. Come September I will have roughly two years of coverage under the FEHB. Will I be able to carry my FEHB coverage into…

Q: I have been receiving an annuity retirement since 1996. Since that time I have been working seasonal for the BLM and the forest service. I have accrued 17,154 hours. I would like to refigure my retirement at this time. How do I do this? I have been attempting to reach the Retirement Operations Center on their number (888-767-6738) for three days, and get a busy signal constantly. Is there another way? A: Even if you had reached the Retirement Operations Center, they wouldn’t have been able to help you. You may only have your annuity redetermined when you separate…

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