CSRS Offset retiree subject to government pension offset?


Q. Is a CSRS Offset employee retiring with less than five years offset service subject to the government pension offset on a spousal Social security benefit?  I know this is true for FERS but have not been able to find any clear guidance for offset employees.  I do not have enough Social Security quarters to qualify for Social Security payments on my own.  My position will be eliminated due to BRAC and I do not have an enduring job offer. There is a VSIP offer on the table.  Please help me make an informed choice.

A. According to the Social Security Administration, you would have to have been covered by CSRS Offset for a full five years to be exempt from the government pension offset.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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