Survivor annuity


 Q. My husband is a FERS retiree who receives a FERS annuity and a FERS annuity supplement (until Social Security benefits take effect) of approximately $1,000 per month. My husband is already on FEHB, so that is not a concern. I am a CSRS employee, planning for my CSRS retirement, so I need advice regarding the impact of leaving my husband a CSRS survivor annuity. If I leave my husband a reduced CSRS survivor annuity of $1,650 per month, and if he outlives me to receive it, will his Social Security benefit and/or FERS annuity supplement be reduced under the windfall elimination provision? If so, by how much?

A.  His receiving a CSRS survivor benefit would have no affect on either his own Social Security benefit or his special annuity supplement.

About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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