Q. In February 1992, I retired on disability as an air traffic controller with 10 years of service. I have been receiving a Civil Service Retirement System disability annuity since February 1992. I will be turning 55 in November 2011. Is there a time when my disability retirement will be recalculated to a regular retirement? Do I fall under the special provisions for ATC, retirement at age 50 with 20 years, or any age after 25 years of service?
A. As long as you are disabled, your disability annuity will continue. It will never be converted to a regular annuity. While you will be required to provide evidence of your disability until age 60, you won’t need to after that.
So OWCP for air traffic controller won’t be cou off if over 60?
The Q&A you read was about the rules governing disability retirement for CSRS employees. If it were about FERS disability retirees, their annuities would end at age 62 when they’d be converted to regular retirements. On the other hand, OWCP benefits don’t end for either CSRS or FERS employees unless they recovered from their disabilities.