CSRS offset


Q. I am a Civil Service Retirement System offset employee retired on disability prior to age 62. I also worked in the private sector and contributed significantly to Social Security to qualify. I receive both Social Security Disability Insurance and a disability pension. Will my Social Security be offset even though my SS contributions came from both CSRS offset and private industry contributions? I also have Medicare and wonder if my health care coverage under CSRS offset conflicts with my Medicare coverage.

A. According to the Office of Personnel Management, your annuity will be offset by the amount of your Social Security disability benefit. For confirmation, go to www.opm.gov/retire/oubs/handbook/C061.pdf and scroll down to Section 61A2.1-4B.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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