Multiple survivor benefits


Q. I am a federal retiree, and have recently married a woman whose ex-husband (also a federal retiree) assigned ex-spouse survivor benefits to her. (They divorced while he was stilll employed.) She is older than 55, so the age at remarriage is not an issue. I intend to provide at least some sort of survivor benefit for her, so that she will be able to continue health benefits after my death.

If I die first, will she be able to select her ex-husband’s (higher) survivor annuity upon his death? (I assume she cannot receive both. ) If both her ex and I die, and assuming she selects his survivor annuity, will she be able to continue her participation in the FEHB as a result of the fact that I assigned her an annuity, even if she selects the other one?

I called OPM regarding this and received very conflicting and confusing information.

A: To learn more about multiple annuities, go to and scroll down to Section 71A2.1-1C, More Than One Survivor Annuity. To be eligible for continuing FEHB coverage, she would have to have been covered as a family member under the self and family option of your plan at the time of your death.



About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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