Q. Is there a regulation regarding a timely retirement annuity estimate from human resources at an agency or for OPM to later finalize the estimated annuity amount ?
A. While there are no governmentwide rules or regulations governing the provision of annuity estimates, your agency may have established some performance standards for doing that. You’ll have to check to see if yours has.
Although the federal government hasn’t developed any software for computing annuity estimates, others have. You might want to try those at www.FEDbens.us, which are free.
Good Day Sir,
As of today FEDbens.us still existing? I google it and I can’t find it.
I checked and couldn’t find it either. The site and its formulas were developed by Bob Benson,a former federal employee. If anyone out there can tell us if there’s another address to use, please do so.
I just heard from Bob Benson who told me that he took down the old site but is working on a new one. He’ll let me know when it’s up and running. When he does, I’ll let you and other interested parties how to access it.