Medicare benefits


Q. I retired from civil service in 2002. I am now 59 and my wife is 55. She is on Disability Medicare Part A only. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employees Plan health insurance. My wife wants to go into a treatment center for pain meds. BCBS says she is not covered because she has Medicare, even though it is part A only. I can’t find enough info to file an appeal. Can you help me or tell me where to look?

A. Go back to your plan and appeal that decision. If it comes back with the same decision and you believe it is in error, appeal that final decision to OPM. To learn how to do that, go to, click on Federal Employees, then click on Health, then scroll down to “I don’t agree with the way the plan paid my claims. What can I do?”



About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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