Workers' comp


Q. I will be retiring under FERS at the age of 72 with 25 years of service. I draw my Social Security but not under disability. I have a case with the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs open, but I don’t draw any money from them. I have checkups and medications under my case number. I want to retire no later than December. I don’t know if any disability I would get through Social Security would have to be offset by my civil service retirement. I have an Air Force retirement and I get so much from the Veterans Affairs Department due to a disability incurred while I was in the military.

A. If you receive workers’ compensation or other public disability benefits and Social Security disability benefits, the total amount of these benefits cannot exceed 80 percent of your average current earnings before you became disabled. For more information about the interaction of benefits, go to


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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