Q. I had 38 years of federal service with the Architect of the Capitol. Will I receive the extra money paid into CSRS system six years past 32 years? How will that money be paid to me?
A. As a rule, CSRS employees have to work 41 years and 11 months to earn an annuity that equals 80 percent of their high-3. That’s the maximum amount that can be paid in an annuity based on creditable service. Only special category employees, such as law enforcement officers and firefighters, can reach the 80 percent limit with fewer years and full months of service. If you are one of them, when you retire, the Office of Personnel Management will let you know the amount of your excess contributions and offer you the option of purchasing additional annuity that isn’t subject to the 80 percent limit (like unused sick leave) or receiving your overpayment in a lump sum, plus accrued interest.