Q. I was a federal employee in the 1970s under CSRS who left after more than years and received a refund of contributions. I was rehired in the federal government under FERS in 2010 and my agency recognized five years, three months and 27 days of past government service on my service computation date. Will that time count toward my FERS annuity when the time comes for me to retire, assuming I meet age and other time of service requirements?
A. No, it won’t be included in your FERS annuity. Instead, because you had at least five years of CSRS service, there will be a CSRS component in your annuity. If you redeposit the refund you took, plus accrued interest, that component will be computed under CSRS rules. If you don’t redeposit it, that portion of your annuity will be actuarially reduced based on what you owe, plus accrued interest, and your age when you retire.