Pay computation


Q. I voluntarily retired May 3, 2004, GS-2210-12, Step 9, salary $73,703, with 35 years of federal service. If I should accept a pending job offer and return to federal service as a GS-0391-13, how would my pay be computed and at what step at the GS-13 grade?

A. Assuming that you meet the qualifications requirements to move from a series where you were once employed (2210- Information Technology Management) to one in the 0391 series (Telecommunications Services), there is no requirement that you be appointed at the same grade and step that you held before you retired. If the agency makes you an offer, you are free to accept it, ask for it to be modified, or reject it.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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