CSRS Offset


Q. I retired in October 2005 under CSRS Offset at age 55, and I just turned 62 in April. Do I have to file for Social Security, call the Office of Personnel Management, call Social Security, or is everything taken care of automatically? My pay has not been adjusted other than a tax adjustment I requested. Are they overpaying me since I turned 62? I have just under 34 years and five months of service with about 16 years in CSRS Offset. What should I be doing, if anything at all?

A. The reduction in your CSRS Offset annuity should occur automatically, whether or not you apply for a Social Security benefit. If there is a delay in making that change, OPM will retroactively adjust your annuity to account for the overpayment.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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