Retirement options for special agent


Q. I am a 48-year-old 1811 with 22 years of service as a special agent. Do I have any retirement options other than serving another two years with the FBI or in another agency as an 1811? If in the next year, I obtain a non-1811 or non-law-enforcement Senior Executive Service position with another agency, how will that affect my retirement?

A. Since you have at least 20 years of covered service, you could take any other job and be able to retire when you reach your minimum retirement age, which would be 56. Those 20 years would be calculated using the enhanced formula and the rest using the standard formula. Alternatively, you could continue to work in a covered position and retire at age 50.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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