Medicare Part B vs. GEHA


Q. We have GEHA high option (Code 312) for our family. I just got the letter from Medicare about choosing Medicare Part B.

However, even if I am on Medicare after retiring, my wife will have seven more years before being eligible for Medicare.

Thus, I am considering continuing GEHA high for both of us and not taking Medicare B, since GEHA 312 covers expenses quite well and my wife would need health insurance.

If I take Medicare B and drop GEHA, I would have Medicare A and B, but she would have no health insurance.

Is the above correct? Are you aware of a better solution?

A. It isn’t an either/or decision. Don’t even consider dropping your FEHB enrollment. If you did, you wouldn’t be able to re-enroll. As for enrolling in Part B, that’s a personal decision based on your health care needs.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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