Special retirement supplement


Q. I was a FERS employee. I retired Dec. 31. I was a full-time Air Guard reserve technician with a federal position reliant on holding the military position. I lost my military position under selective retention “no fault of mine” and “nondisciplinary.” I am 51 with more than 30 years of federal service. when I was processed through my local agency ABC-C, I was sent a statement that I was eligible for an immediate FERS retirement annuity, to include my supplement based on my Social Security. On May 15, I went from interim to final payments at OPM. Everything looks as planned except the supplement. I called OPM to find out how much longer it will take to receive my supplement. The person I talked to said I will not receive the supplement until I reach my MRA. I requested that my file be opened and reviewed. All through my retirement process, I have been told I fall under the air traffic controller, firefighter and military reserve technician exception. I understand the supplement comes after you finalize FERS annuity payments. The OPM representative was not sure about the process. Should I be worried? I was planning on receiving this supplement, which is about $850.00

A. You are correct. You are entitled to the special retirement supplement regardless of the age at which you retired. The supplement should be paid to you when your annuity is finalized and, like any underpayments to your annuity, be retroactive.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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