Q. I work at Social Security. I was going to retire on Dec. 28, the end of the pay year. But I recently found out the leave year ends Jan. 12, 2013. I will retire with more than 30 days of accumulated annual leave. If I retire Jan. 3, 2013, I understand my pension will be reduced about 1/10, but I can be paid for four days of work, which is much higher than the reduction I will take in my pension. This only makes sense if I can get paid for all of my accumulated annual leave (about 45 days) with a retirement date of Jan. 3, 2013, which is in the next calendar and pay year. Can you give me some insight into this issue?
A. If you retire no later than Jan. 12, 2013, you’ll receive a lump-sum payment for all of your accrued and unused annual leave.