Re-employment and sick leave carryover


Q. My husband was a temporary federal employee for the Defense Department for five years. He was laid off in August. He had two years of military service, which he bought that time back, so in essence he has seven years of federal service. He is 60 years old. He put 10 percent of his salary in the Thrift Savings Plan. Should he leave that money in TSP or put it in another vehicle?

Also, when he reaches retirement age (62), will he receive a pension for the seven years of federal service? He left DoD with a sick leave balance — his annual leave he was paid for. Is it true, if he receives another government position within three years, his remaining sick leave will carry over?

A. Reg: He would be eligible for an annuity at age 62 if he had five years of full-time service from which retirement deductions were taken and he didn’t take a refund of those deductions when he left. The unused sick leave he had to his credit when he left wouldn’t be included when his annuity was computed. On the other hand, if he returned to work for the federal government, his sick leave would be restored.

Mike: He should leave his money in the TSP for as long as possible, and manage it there. Its costs and investment options are superior to those he’ll find anywhere else.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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