Q. I am a re-employed FERS annuitant, and my salary is offset by my annuity. I have a CSRS component to my FERS retirement. When I first had my discontinued service retirement in March 2009, the CSRS portion of my sick leave was credited to my annuity. My FERS sick leave portion was not. When I returned to federal service in 2011, I was credited the unused FERS portion of my sick leave to my employee account. When I am eligible for a redetermined FERS annuity, after five years, what will happen to the original sick leave credited to the CSRS part of my annuity? Does it go into the calculations of the redetermined annuity, or is it gone? Does my current FERS sick leave balance go into the redetermined annuity calculations?
A. When you retired, you were given credit for any sick leave you still had to your credit when you transferred to FERS. That leave was added to your actual CSRS service and used in the computation of the CSRS component of your annuity. When your annuity is redetermined, that computation will be based on the total CSRS service with which you were credited (actual and sick leave). The FERS component computation will include your current sick leave balance.