Q. I am employed with the federal prison system, which gets law enforcement officer coverage. With five years of civilian service and eight of military paid for, I will have 13 years of total service. I’m only 34 now, but if I leave to pursue other employment, will I qualify for an MRA+10 annuity at 57 or deferred annuity at 62? Also, what will be used to compute my annuity —1.7 percent or 1.0?
A. If you left, you’d be eligible for either an MRA+10 annuity at age 57 or a deferred annuity at age 62. If you elected to retire at your MRA, your annuity would be reduced by 5 percent for every year (5/12 of 1 percent per month) that you were under age 62. In either case, your annuity would be computed under the standard 1.0 percent formula.