Q. Can you provide guidance concerning the regulatory references or law(s) governing leave accrual determination for retirement military members who buy back their military time? Also, what should happen once a retired military member buys back military time? I reviewed the most recent Q/A concerning this and could not find answers for the following situation:
I retired from the military and began working for the federal government. As a participant in the military buyback program, I first requested my total income (SF 3108A) while serving in the military from my military service DFAS office. Once I received this information, I submitted it to my civilian DFAS to determine how much it would cost to buy back my military time. Based on the current rules, I would pay the interest after the first three years of leaving the military. I elected to buy my military time back by payroll deduction over the last three years. Now that I have paid into my civilian retirement account, which totals more than 30 years of federal service at the cost of more than $15,000, am I entitled to eight hours of annual leave each pay period? If I am, what steps/documents are required to complete this action? Additionally, should my service computation date be adjusted on my leave and earning statement? I know one individual in my agency retired from the military but for medical reasons has not paid into their civilian retirement account but currently receives eight hours of annual leave per pay period.
Can you please advise? Also, what steps do I need to take to ensure my agency completes a SF2806 or has a record of my military deposit? I made my total payment several months ago, and I have not received any document except for the zero balance on my LES.
A. You’ll find what you are looking for in OPM’s Vet Guide. Just go to www.opm.gov/staffingportal/vetguide.asp and scroll to Service Credit for Leave Accrual and Retirement.
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You should have received a letter from DFAS stating your deposit is Paid in Full. I would contact them to find out why you haven’t received it. It is usually sent to the address you provided on your RI 20-97. Paid in Full letter is also known as a DG66. Once you receive this letter, you must upload it to BEST thru MYPERS so that it goes into your Electronic Official Personnel File or EOPF (Found on MYPERS). The PAID IN FULL letter will show up as a DG66 in your EOPF.