Retiring on last day of pay period


Q. Is it true that to receive credit for annual leave and sick leave for the final pay period upon retiring, you must work all 14 days of the final pay period (and thus retire on the last day of the final pay period)? If you retire on the first to 13th day of a pay period, will you receive no annual leave or sick leave credit for the final pay period?

A. To receive any credit for annual and sick leave earned during a pay period, you must complete your tour of duty during that pay period. For most employees, that’s 80 hours. You won’t receive any credit for it if you leave before the end of the pay period.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to


  1. Robert Summers on

    It appears, then, that I were to retire at the close of business on July 31, 2020 (Friday), and after having worked the requisite 80 hours for that week’s tour of duty, I will receive both the 4 hours of SL as well as the 8 hours of annual leave for that final pay period, even though the pay period doesn’t officially end until the end of the next day (Saturday). Is that correct?

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