Q. My daughter worked for 4½ years as a GS-4 and duties were added (5-6 level) that were not at the GS-4 level. She repeatedly asked for and was denied a desk audit. Four positions (GS-5) were posted, and she did not get any (they went to veterans, and that was fine with her), but when told she didn’t get one of the positions, she was also told she would be transferred because one of the GS-5 positions was the one she was doing at the time. She feels strongly that since she had done the job for several years (and is still doing the job if he calls in), she should get back pay. I also understand that after doing the job for 90 days, she should have been compensated for it, and after she had been doing it for more than a year, the job as a GS-5 did not even have to be posted.
What do you advise? The union, HR and her supervisor all declined to ask for a desk audit.
A. Have her go to www.opm.gov/classapp/fact/fact.htm. That’s where she’ll find the Classification Appeals: Employee Fact Sheet, which will explain how to file an appeal.