CSRS Offset and Social Security


Q. I am in CSRS Offset with 15 years under offset and 18 under straight CSRS. You gave a formula in one of your answers to take the CSRS years times the Social Security estimate divided by 40 to get the amount that would reduce your CSRS payment.

My estimate of $1,000 in Social Security is the amount for my entire years contributing into Social Security (both CSRS Offset years and years before working with the federal government). How do I figure out what amount of the $1,000 actually belongs to the Offset years?

A. That isn’t the formula I gave. You multiply the CSRS Offset years (not all CSRS years) by the Social Security estimate and divide the product by 40.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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