Q. I have 11 years as an 1811 and am considering moving into a noncovered position. I know I will ultimately have to do 30 years, but how will my 11 years as an 1811 (6c covered) be calculated? Will the first 11 years be counted at 1.7 percent and the remaining 19 years at 1 percent per year?
A. Your entire annuity will be calculated using the standard formula.
I’d like more clarification regarding the annuity calculation. In July 2008 my retirement was changed to FERS LEO/FF CBPO (Code O ). I have what I see a three pronged retirement annuity.
Military: April 1981- Oct 1989 1% for 8 years
US Customs: Oct 1989 – July 2008 1% for 19 years
CBO: July 2008 – Oct 2019 1.7% for 11 years
27 years at 1%
11 years at 1.7%
I’m just not sure how to calculate the 38yrs of service with my high 3 of $92,597
As a rule, LEO/FFs aren’t entitled to the enhanced 1.7% benefit unless thay have 20 years of covered service. If there is something different about those in CBFO (Code O), I’m unaware of it. You’ll have to check with your personnel office.