Unused sick leave, creditable service and annuity computation


Q. I am a FERS employee, 60 years old with 19 years and six months years of service. I have 2,000 hours of sick leave, which I know until Jan. 1 I will only receive half-credit. I have an opportunity for a position outside of federal government that I must take now or I lose it. I also know if I take my annuity now, I will be penalized 5.5 percent for every year I am under age 62. If I postpone my annuity to age 62, do my years of service become 20 years because six months of service and six months of sick leave equal one year?  So the calculation would be 1 x high-3 x 20 years?

A. No. You must meet the age and service requirements first. Only then is unused sick leave added.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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