BC/BS High Option


Q. In an Aug. 6 comment from “John,” responding to a question posed Aug. 5 regarding what the federal Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan offers that Medicare Part A and B don’t (see http://blogs.federaltimes.com/federal-retirement/2013/08/05/fehb-coverage-2/#more-19459) John said that federal retirees must declare Medicare to be their primary insurance, but if one is enrolled in the BCBS High Option plan, it would cover most of what Medicare doesn’t.

I am also a federal retiree in BCBS. But I thought that BCBS had eliminated the High Option for feds in the Federal Employees Health Benefits years ago. Am I wrong? Or has BCBS once again made it available to us?  I am in FERS, if that makes any difference.

A. You are correct. BC/BS High Option hasn’t been around for over 20 years. The only choices since then have been Standard and Basic.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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