Q. What website can I access to change my Federal Employees Health Benefits. I am a federal retiree.
A. As a retiree, you should have received the Office of Personnel Management’s Important Annuitant Federal Benefits Open Season Information mailing. On the back it states, “It’s quick and easy to request benefit changes and plan information using our Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season Online website https://retireefehb.opm.gov.”
My health care insurance provider, HEALTHSPAN, (formerly Kaiser Permanente) is discontinuing into insurance operations in the Cleveland, Ohio area where I reside. We FEHB subscribers were informed of this After the 2016 Open Season closing date. HEALTHSPAN says it is turning our insurance coverage over to MEDICAL MUTUAL OF OHIO as of 31 August 2016. Must I do anything to ensure my continued coverage under FEHB? Will I be notified of changes to my FEHB coverage before the next Open Season? I need a telephone number of a party with whom I can have a conversation about this matter.
Ernest D. Minichello
I’ve forwarded you e-mail to OPM and asked them to answer you directly.