SRS eligibility


Q. I saw the following in an article about federal retirement: “For any military veterans out there, you should note that if you are looking to draw on the special retirement supplement between the age you retire and age 62, only retirees with 30 years of civil service (not civil service and military service combined) are eligible for the supplement.”

Is this true? I will have 22 years of civilian service under FERS and eight years of military time when I retire this year. Will I be eligible for the supplement if I retire?

A. Yes, it’s true. The special retirement supplement is paid out of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and is based solely on actual FERS service. Further, it is only payable to employees who retire with the following combinations of age and service: minimum retirement age with 30, 60 with 20 or on early voluntary or involuntary retirement when you reach your MRA.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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