Q. I am retiring at age 62 under the FERS retirement system. The health care coverage I have is FEHB family coverage. When my spouse turns 65, will she need to sign up for Medicare A and B? I would be 63 and ineligible for Medicare while my wife WOULD be eligible. How would that affect my FEHB family coverage and costs? Should my wife sign up for Medicare A & B at age 65 even though I retired at age 62?
A. Your wife would be entitled to premium-free Medicare Part A based on your paying Medicare taxes while working. Whether she enrolls in Part B, for which she’d have to pay the premiums, is up to her. You won’t be able to receive your premium-free Medicare Part A coverage until age 65. As for Part B, you’ll have to make that decision at the time you turn 65. Note: Being covered by Medicare will have no affect one way or the other on the premiums you pay for your FEHB enrollment.