Time in grade


Q. Do time-in-grade requirements apply to temporary promotions for less than 120 days? And if not, where can I find the regulation?

A. Yes, but only as long as you are converted to a permanent position without returning to the lower grade. If that’s the case, the time spent on a temporary promotion would be considered creditable service in the calculation of your next WGI. Processing a permanent promotion without moving you back to the lower graded position doesn’t change the date of the “equivalent increase.” Therefore, your waiting period would start on the date of the temporary promotion.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.


  1. Mildred Booze on

    My name is Mildred Booze, I am FERS and I applied for disability with SSA and was awarded disability 1 June 2916. I also am LWOP for the last year have not heard fromCPOL about my disability application. They want answer the phone. What do I do? Thanks I worked for DES at Ft Belvoir

    • You may want to write your member of Congress and ask that he or she contact the head of your agency asking for a response. Be sure to provide your full name, Social Security number, the activity for which you worked and any other pertinent information about your condition and situation.

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