Q. I’m in CSRS with the Postal Service. At retirement, will my annuity be credited at 174 hours of sick leave per month or is my total sick leave balance added to my actual service time and rounded down to the month? A. As a CSRS employee, when you retire, your hours of unused sick leave will be added to your actual service time. Any combination of actual hours and sick leave hours that add up to 174 will increase your final service time by one month. Any leftover days will be dropped.
Browsing: Sick leave
Q. You answered a previous question that sick time earned under FERS can be reinstated even after a separation of federal service of more than three years. I was separated for nearly 10 years and then rehired in December 2009. I had over 300 hours of sick leave under FERS. My current human resources manager claims she has no idea how to get my sick time reinstated. Can you tell me the process and/or forms that HR needs to submit, and to whom? A. On Dec. 2, 1994, OPM issued final regulations that allow those who are re-employed on or…
Q. I have been a federal employee for over seven years and I worked for the Transportation Security Administration. I currently work for the U.S. Capitol Police; will my sick leave balance transfer from TSA to USCP? A. It should; however, check with your new personnel office to make sure that that it has.
Q. I have five years. If I get another job, can I dump my sick leave in the TSP? I don’t want to lose all my hours, that’s not fair to me and the many people who do their work and not call in sick. A. No, you can’t. Sick leave has no cash value.
Q. I was once a Special Agent of the U.S. Secret Service (series 1811). I left in January 2007, so I have been away for more than three years. As I am seeking to return to the Secret Service, I have five questions: 1. I understand FERS employees who leave and take a refund of their retirement contributions (which I did) are prohibited by law from buying back that annuity when they return to work for the government. Is there a provision for contributing more than the standard percentage to “make up” the difference? 2. If not, I presume my…
Q: I am aware that there is some support to propose legislation this year to pay federal employees for unused sick leave by depositing the money into one’s TSP. Is there any further support for this and has anything been proposed in this arena? I believe Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., had said that he would introduce legislation to pay federal employees for unused sick and annual pay at retirement by having it deposited to your TSP. Do you have any current information in reference to this matter? A: I have found no evidence that Lynch did anything more than talk…
Q: I will be retiring soon with more than 42 years of service. I have 8 3/4 months of saved up sick leave using the formula of 174 hours equals one month. I have earlier this year taken a few sick days. Can I convert the days I took to annual leave so as to restore my sick leave and give me nine months of sick leave to help increase my pension? A: You’ll need to check with you agency to see if they would be able to adjust your leave records and substitute annual leave for the sick leave that you actually…
Q: I will be 63 years old at the end of this year. I anticipate retiring under the Civil Service Retirement System on Dec. 31, 2010, with a Service Computation Date of March 1977. If I have 800 hours of unused sick leave by then, at what point this year can I start terminal leave from work and have these 800 hours calculated into my annuity payments? A: Unused sick leave is credited on the day you retire and used in the calculation of an annuity. Note: I’m unaware of any provision in law that would provide terminal leave for…
Q: Is there a cap on how much sick leave can be applied to calculating a pension? Is there a 2,087-hour limit? A: No, there isn’t any cap on how many hours of unused sick leave can be applied when calculating an annuity. However, for the time being, Federal Employees Retirement System employees will only get credit for one-half of their total hours, while Civil Service Retirement System employees will continue to get full credit.
Q. I plan on retiring on the close of business, Friday, Dec. 31,2010. I am a FERS employee. Since that day is the New Year holiday, I will have completed my 80-hour work week. But I will retire prior to the end of the leave period, which is Saturday. Will I accrue the eight hours of annual leave and the four hours of sick leave for that pay period, or will I forfeit it because I did not remain an employee for the entire pay period? A: According to OPM, you only need to complete your 80-hour work week to…