Q. If I retire with 27 days of unused sick leave, and I started government service on the sixth day of the month, will that mean that a month of service will be added to my years of service? I understand that anything under one month of sick leave will be dropped, but am unclear about whether the day you started affects the calculation. The chart does not seem to address this. A. Annuities are calculated using years and full months of service. Any days that don’t add up to a full month are converted to hours and added to…
Browsing: Sick leave
Q. I am a CSRS employee and have worked about 40 years. I plan to retire by the end of this year. I have about 1,659 hours of sick leave. How many hours of sick leave is equivalent to one service month, so I could plan to use the remaining sick leave and not lose it? A. Let’s get one thing clear from the beginning. You have no right to burn off your sick leave. It may only be used for legitimate reasons spelled out in law and regulation. If you want a rough estimate of how many hours it…
Q. I worked for the federal government from May 1985 to February 2005 as a FERS employee. My remaining annual leave was paid out to me, and I had more than 700 hours of accumulated sick leave. I moved all of my TSP contributions into another fund several years ago. As I plan for retirement, are there any retirement benefits I can receive or can I receive payment for sick leave? I saw in your column: “If you are already off the rolls, you can apply for a refund up to 31 days before your 62nd birthday.” That is fast…
Q. I am considering retiring at the end of this year. I am under CSRS and will have 41 years of service and at least 2,100 hours of unused sick leave when I leave. I’m told that in order for me to get the maximum 80 percent of my retirement, I must meet it in actual years of service and unused leave is not creditable toward that figure to make up the 1 year and 11 months. Is that true? What happens to the unused sick leave if I stay on and work 41 years and 11 months – do…
Q. Being a rehired annuitant who is receiving both his annuity and the full salary of his position, will I be paid out earned sick leave when I leave federal service?
Q. I have an estimate of 13 years, three months and eight days service credit. I have 43 hours of sick leave accrued. I’ll accrue 40 more by retirement. Would I be better off using them as needed for medical appointments as they will not add any time to service credit? A. Assuming that your numbers are correct, those hours wouldn’t add up to the 174 needed to create an additional month and be used in your annuity computation.
Q. I am a FERS employee with 32 years of service credit. I was in CSRS for 5 years, 10 months and 28 days. I left the government but came back 3 years later as a FERS employee. When I retire I will have 28 days of CSRS service credit and 25 days of FERS Service Credit. Will 7 days of my excess sick leave (56 hours) be applied to my remaining days of 23 to give me an extra month toward retirement?
Q. Is there a limit to how much sick leave you can turn in at retirement? A. If you mean is there a limit on how much unused sick leave can be used in the computation of your annuity after you meet the age and service requirement so to retire, the answer is no. There isn’t any limit.
Q. I am currently planning on retiring on May 31, 2014. Will this allow me to me to get my full annual and sick leave earned during the preceding two weeks? Also, will it allow me to be on the annuity rolls starting in June 2014? I currently have 240 hours of annual leave computed through Jan. 11, 2014. Will this leave, along with any annual leave amassed from Jan. 12, 2014, through my retirement date, be combined for buyout purposes? I also will have 1,420 sick-leave hours earned, and I assume that it will be applied to my total…
Q. I have over 41 years 11 months creditable service under CSRS. I also have unused sick leave to take me over the 80% max threshold. I used the chart to convert sick leave hours into months and days (rounding up). Does sick leave just get added to the credible service years, months and days, or is it done separately? Also if it is added to the credible service and the days are dropped, does that mean that I can potentially lose up to a month of sick leave days? If so, should I begin taking sick days when I…