Browsing: creditable service

Q. I am a federal employee with 15 years of active service. For the past 11 years, I have been receiving workers’ compensation due to an on-the-job injury. I am eligible for regular retirement under FERS. Do the years on workers’ comp count as creditable service years with regard to computation for my retirement benefits? After I retire, under FERS, will workers’ comp still pay for my Federal Employees Health Benefits insurance premiums? A. Your years on workers compensation won’t be considered creditable service. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs won’t pay for your FEHB coverage after you stop receiving workers’…

Q. I’m a postmaster who has been offered the buyout if I retire July 31. At that time, I will have 26 years and 10 months of Postal Service time. I also have four years of military time that I have bought back, plus seven months of sick leave time. My total creditable service time is 31 years and six months. Under VERA, I would be eligible for the special supplement. but because I’m already eligible to retire, I must retire that way. Would I still receive the special supplement? I won’t turn 60 until Oct. 17. A. Because you…

Q. I am a retired officer, age 64, and have been a federal employee for two years. I paid a deposit for three years, 11 months credit for time attending a service academy. Am I eligible to retire now with five years, 11 months of service, or do I have to actually be a federal employee for five years and then add the academy time? Not planning on retiring now. Just want to know the facts. A. You cannot retire until you are vested in the retirement system, which requires that you have five full years of actual FERS service.

Q. I am currently retired from Verizon but need to get back to work. I’m trying to find a federal job in the information technology field, and I have a couple questions. First, the applications ask if I am a former federal employee. I worked for the Postal Service for 3½ years from 1973 to 1976, and also worked for another nine months full-time permanent in 1986, so I have over four years of service. I am hoping that I can put down that I am a former federal employee, but not sure if I should. I found a website…

Q. I was hired by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in 1994 and resigned in 2000 to relocate across the country. Four months later, I found a new position and have been continuously employed with the federal government  since. My position in the U.S. Senate will expire at the end of the year (the senator I work for is retiring). If it takes, hypothetically, two or three months after that to find another federal position, what will that break in service do to my retirement benefits/years in service? And what about the first break in service of four months back in…

Q. I am in FERS with a CSRS component, and I’m planning to retire in April 2013 after more than 35 years of continuous government service. Prior to working for the Defense Department in 1975, I had worked a  summer in the post office with all the taxes paid, including Social Security. Would I be able to pay a FERS deposit for the two or three months I’ve worked at the post office and get credit for the FERS retirement annuity? Below is the info from the ABC-C website: FERS deposit service is any period of Federal civilian service performed…

Q. I am still uncertain on one nuance of the five years to be vested. I am working through the process to “sell back” my four years of Air Force Academy time. I started work this year (March 2012). When I hit March 2018, I will have six years of civilian time and four years of military credited time. Will I be eligible for a MRA +10 using the four military years? I will be past my minimum retirement age with over five years of civilian time and over 10 years of total creditable service. A. Yes, you can retire…

Q. I am 60 years old. I am a regular rural carrier with 18 years of service so far as a full-time employee. I was hired in 1988 as a rural carrier associate. I would like to retire as soon as possible, and would like to know when I could do that. Also, I would need to keep my federal Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. I did not make career status until 1994. Are there buyback options for me so I could go back to 1988, and how much would my health insurance cost? I would take the family option. A.…

Q. I completed a full one-year internship with the Veterans Affairs Department system (with annual leave and sick leave earnings) prior to my current federal employment. Three years after this internship ended, I obtained a job at a VA hospital. I have known other VA employees who have had this period counts toward changes in annual leave accrual from four to six hours. Upon my hire, I was informed that the VA hospital I worked at had some of the documentation but was missing a specific form required to change annual leave calculation. Hence, our human resources office could not…

Q. My retirement eligibility service computation date is June 6, 1985. I’m under FERS and am 48 years old.  I’d like to take the Voluntary Early Retirement Authority this year if offered. If I retire at 48 under VERA and I postpone my FERS annuity until age 56 (my normal minimum retirement age), will the annuity amount be the same as it would have been if I actually retired at 56 rather than 48, or is it reduced? Is this amount changed if I take the FERS annuity at 56 rather than 48?  If I postpone FERS annuity, will the…

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