Browsing: part-time

Q. I was approved for disability retirement through FERS and was a part-time flexible carrier. Before I was separated, I was converted to full time in May. In July, my disability annuity was approved by OPM. My annuity payment was reduced as a part time. Does being a part-time employee but doing 40 hours a week throughout my employment and converting to full time before OPM’s approval entitle me to get benefits as a full-time employee? Can they do this knowing I worked full-time hours all the time? Also what about hours paid from Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP)…

Q. Under CSRS, I worked 17 years as a full-time employee.  For the past 17 years, I worked part time only 24 hours per week.  I would like to retire in  two years with 35 years of service.  How is the calculation done?  With the new amendment in 2009, I was told by my HR that my retirement is based on my full-time salary rate ($111,000 as a GS-14).  But this doesn’t make sense.  I will be making more when I retire.  Can you help me understand this? A.Here’s how you annuity will be calculated: 1. The actual hours you…

Q.  I am a FERS employee and would like to take eight hours leave without pay every pay period.  This would be a total of 208 hours  LWOP for the year.  Can I do this, or must I go part time? A. You’d have to get your supervisor’s permission to take eight hours of leave without-pay every pay period. The same would be true is you asked to go part time. The decision is up to your supervisor, based on your agency’s needs for your services. If they can spare you, fine; if they can’t, you’re out of luck.

Q. I made a monumental oversight when I went to work for AAFES in 1992. I was in the belief that I would qualify for a pension. Come to find out I won’t, because I am a regular part-time employee (34 hours per week) even though I frequently worked 40 hours a week. Then, another AAFES employee told me of someone else who was leaving AAFES after a lengthy employment, to take up a civil service job and that his time with AAFES would be counted when qualifying for federal pension. I have not yet been able to verify this.…

Q. I am a FERS-covered permanent part-time employee (64 hours per pay period), age 64, and will have five years of civil service employment in September. I retired from the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps with 31 years, seven months of service. It has been suggested to me that by making a Federal Employees Retirement System payment for the time over 30 years (one year and seven months), I could add that time to my length of service for my FERS annuity calculation. Is this true, and how do I go about doing that? A. To get credit for…

Q: I have 20 years of full time service. I want to stay employed and plan to go part time. Will this have a serious negative impact on me? A: How significant it will be depends on the number of part-time hours you work and how long you do that. Go to and scroll down to the FERS section. There you’ll find the method used to compute an annuity that includes part-time service.

Q: I am a CSRS employee. I worked part time for some of my career and when my retirement was estimated recently I was given a proration of 93 percent. I asked if 93 percent was a permanent value or if it changes if I work longer. I was told that the proration number is permanent. I’ve worked 33 years and anticipate that I will work at least 38. Can you confirm that my proration will stay at 93 percent? A: No it doesn’t stay at 93 percent. Whoever told you that didn’t understand basic arithmetic. The proration is determined…

Q: I have been a full-time Federal employee for 37-plus years under the Civil Service Retirement System. I am considering retiring by year’s end and working on a part-time basis (64 hours per pay period) for the next six to eight months. Will this affect my monthly retirement annuity calculation? A: Yes, it will. However, the shorter the period of part-time service is, the less its impact. You’ll find the formula used to compute an annuity with part-time service on the Office of Personnel Management website here (scroll down to Section 55B2.1-1). Although this section refers to Federal Employees Retirement…

Q. I have been a VA employee for 22 years on a part-time basis with a work schedule of 7 a.m. to noon on Monday mornings throughout my career.  My position as an assistant in surgery is being eliminated and I have been offered the opportunity to work in a clinic instead.  The problem is that they want to change my work schedule to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mondays.  I know that doesn’t sound like much, but both the starting time and ending time will negatively affect my other job, which is my primary source of income. Despite…

Q: Earlier in my federal career I worked part time (1989-1998), but I am now on a full-time schedule. Does the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010 provision covering the calculation of annuity components apply only to employees who retire as a part-time employee or does it cover anyone who worked a part-time work schedule on or after April 7, 1986? A: The Defense Authorization Act of 2010 only changed the way the annuities are calculated for CSRS employees with a period or periods of part-time service or FERS employees with a CSRS component in their annuities. Now they are…

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