Recertifying disability


Q. If I were approved for FERS disability, is there a recertifying process that I would have to undergo each year? I am 52 years old. Would my annuity begin at 56, or would it be 62? My minimum retirement age is 56. If there is an annual check to see if you are still disabled and you are deemed now fit by the Office of Personnel Management or the federal government, would they find you another job?

A. If your disability could not be accommodated by your agency and you were approved for disability retirement, your annuity would begin immediately. There would be annual checks by OPM to determine if you were still disabled. For more information on that, go to and scroll to Section 60A7.1-1. The rules are the same for CSRS and FERS.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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