VSIP and leave without pay


Q. My office has requested the Voluntary Early Retirement Authority/Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay. With the government shutdown, there has been a delay in the approval process. My position is one within the organization that has been approved for VSIP once the authority is received. I am a FERS employee, over 50, with 26 years of creditable service. I plan to exercise the early-out authority once received, after Jan. 1, 2014, so that I will receive 100 percent sick leave credit toward my annuity.

In the meantime, I applied for and have been offered a position in the private sector. They would like to establish a start date for early January. If the VERA/VSIP takes longer than my agency expects and delays the date I project for retirement, do regulations allow for me to request leave without pay until my retirement paperwork can be processed?

A. That’s a question your agency will have to answer. The authority to grant leave without pay is delegated to them and through them to your supervisor.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.

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