Pension and re-employment


Q. I plan to retire from a covered 6C law enforcement officer position and collect my pension annuity.  Will I be able to be re-employed at a non-covered, non-LEO position and collect a salary and previous pension together?   If so, what are the specific criteria so as to not “double-dip”?

A. As a rule, your salary would be offset by the amount of your annuity; however, there are limited exceptions to that rule. Before becoming a reemployed annuitant, you’d have to find out if you were being hired into a position that would allow you to receive both benefits without a reduction in either.


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1 Comment

  1. jodie Treadway on

    I am currently re-employed. What would be the exceptions? I know one is hard to fill positions or special security circumstances and loss of life.

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