Q. I am 64 and thinking about the early retirement. I have 38 years; can I qualify for the VERA/VSIP?

A. You could accept a VERA if it were offered to you; however, it would be irrelevant, since you already meet the age and service requirements to retire on a regular annuity. As for the VSIP,  you could accept one if it were offered to you.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to


  1. Amazing (to me) that a 64 year old Federal Employee with 38 years of service DOES NOT know that they are already eligible for IMMEDIATE, FULL retirement and DOES NOT have to wait for a VERA offer to retire!!! Heck, this person has been eligible for IMMEDIATE, FULL either FERS or CSRS retirement for the past 8 years, since they were 56 years old!!!

  2. Amazing to me that you didn’t realize that this 64 year old is probably interested in the buyout payment, and that was probably why they asked.

    • Please reread my answer, especially the second sentence:

      A. You could accept a VERA if it were offered to you; however, it would be irrelevant, since you already meet the age and service requirements to retire on a regular annuity. As for the VSIP,  you could accept one if it were offered to you.

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