Leave payment


Q. Will the lump-sum payment for my unused annual leave arrive with my last pay check or with that first annuity payment?

A. Lump-sum payments for unused annual leave are made by your agency, not the Office of Personnel Management. When that payment will be made depends on them. You’ll need to check with your payroll office to find out when that payment will be made.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.


  1. Lisa Livingston on

    I worked as a elementary school teacher for 16 years under FERS. I was considered AD (administratively determined) not GS. I decided to leave before the new school year began in August of 2017. I had to pay the government back the pay I had received over the summer. When I asked the payroll office if I would receive my annual leave payout which was about 16 hours, I was told “no”. I am not collecting any of my pension or TSP as I have decided to wait until I am 62. Did the fact that I was not considered GS determine my not receiving my annual leave payout?

    • Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the rules covering AD workers. If any of our readers can be of help, it would be appreciated.

  2. I worked for DHS/TSA and retired on 1/31/19. It’s been 6 weeks today and I have still not received my lump sum payouts for unused annual leave, for restored annual leave (due to shutdown), and/or for unused comp time. I submitted an HR service request several weeks ago asking for a status update and that has also not been answered.

    It took 4 1/2 weeks for my retirement “package” to make it out of the agency, before it was finally sent to OPM for processing.

    There’s a clear and consistent reason some federal agencies are always at the bottom of federal employee satisfaction surveys.

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