Medicare Part B


Q. In a recent question posted on your website from a Postal Service employee turning 65 in December, you mentioned that it does not cost anything to sign up for Medicare Part A after 65, but you will have to sign up for Part B. My situation is similar. Before age 65, my Blue Cross/Blue Shield deducted payments are around $190 per month, single, standard option, CSRS. Would not these deductions from my monthly annuity be considered Part B after age 65?

A. No, it isn’t. You are entitled to Medicare Part A coverage because while you were working deductions were taken from your salary to pay for it. Medicare Part B is an option. If you sign up for it, you’ll have to pay the premiums. Like Part A, Part B is a supplement to your Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage. Whether you need or want Part B is a decision you’ll have to make.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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