Retirement options


Q. I am a GS-1811 Special Agent with four years until my FERS retirement in 2018 at age 62 (I was “grandfathered in” at age 42). And I have also bought back 12 years of military service time. I failed a PIP due to my ADD/ADHD & depression, and I was recently served with a Notice of Proposed Removal as an 1811. I am in a 3-agent office, four hours away from our Resident Office, and there are no non-1811 jobs available to me in my office’s area. Because I am considered disabled per the ADA guidelines, and the NOPR says I cannot perform well enough as an 1811, are there some sort of retirement options available to me for which I qualify (e.g. medical, disability, Discontinued Service, etc.)?
A. You have two options. You could retire now under the MRA+10 provision; however, your annuity would be reduced by 5 percent for every year you were under age 62. Or you could apply for disability retirement. If you did that, you’d also be required to apply for Social Security disability benefits.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to

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