Browsing: annual leave

Q: I am at an activity that was to be realigned and relocated from California to Virginia. The realignment was completed, and the relocation is in process. I will be relocating to Virginia in the first week of January, prior to the end of the leave year. Will my use-or-lose annual leave hours, as of my relocation date, be restored under 5 U.S.C. 6304(d)(3)? A: If you accompany your organization to its new duty location. you will receive a lump-sum payment for hours in excess of the 240 at the time of your move and will no longer be eligible…

Q: I am a Civil Service Retirement System employee, with 35 years of service and meet the age requirement to retire. My agency is offering a buyout of $25,000 if we leave by Sept. 30. I am considering this offer as I was planning on leaving Dec. 31, but because Sept. 30 is in the middle of a pay period, should I leave at the end of the pay period which would be Sept. 25 in order to get all leave I would be entitled to and when would my first pension check be for. A: Yes, it’s true that…

Q: I have 70.5 days of annual leave and will be separating very soon via a Medical Evaluation Board on a service-connected disability. Am I allowed to sell my annual leave? Are there any pros and cons? A: All civilian employees who separate from the government either by resigning or retiring automatically receive a lump-sum payment for their unused annual leave.

Q: This question is in reference to your Dec. 15, 2009, article, “It’s not too late to retire in 2009, or plan for 2010 or 2011” I am planning to retire in 2011; a co-worker is planning to retire in 2010. As per your article, it looks like the planets are lining up, as the leave year and calendar year will end at the same time. Both of us are Civil Service Retirement System employees and work for the U.S. Postal Service. The 2010 leave year ends Jan. 1, 2011. In the Postal Service, we can carry over 560 hours…

Q: I will be retiring from the Postal Service through the Civil Service Retirement System shortly. Will I be paid for any holidays that occur during my accrued annual leave? A: At retirement, unused annual leave is projected forward. The amount of money you receive in a lump-sum payment will be identical to what you would have received if you were still on the job working eight hours a day, 40 hours a week and 80 hours a pay period.

Q: I left federal civil service in 1982 after 17 1/2 years of service, and I am considering returning on a part-time (50 percent) basis. I had more than seven months of unused sick leave when I left; will I get the unused sick leave reinstated? What amount of sick leave will I earn? At what rate will I earn annual leave? Also, I was under the Civil Service Retirement System when I left. If I return to civil service, will I go back under CSRS, would I go under the Federal Employees Retirement System, or would I have a…

Q: As a federal civil service employee in the Defense Department, I usually have several days of use/lose annual leave at the end of the year. Rather than taking off almost the entire month of December to avoid losing accrued annual leave, am I allowed to sell back the unused leave? A: There is no provision in law that would allow you to be paid for unused annual leave that exceeds the carryover amount from one leave year to the next.

Q: If I retire at the end of fiscal year 2010 — on Sept. 30 — can I delay cashing out my annual leave balance until 2011, when I would be in a lower income tax bracket? A: No, you can’t. Lump-sum payments are automatic and are made when your finance office completes the close-out of your employment records. As a rule, the payment is made at the same time your final paycheck is issued.

Q. I worked for the federal government in a DoD position. After 18 years in this position I quit and went to work in the contracting sector. I’m applying for a position now and it states on the job announcement that former and current civil service employees may apply. Will I have any problems getting on after a break in service of over 10 years, and do my past 18 years still count for leave and retirement purposes? A. I don’t know if you’ll “have any problems getting on,” whatever that means. However, I can tell you that if you…

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