Discontinued service retirement


Q. I am 52 years old with 28 years of service and am starting FERS disability retirement. The letter from OPM says that if I am found medically recovered I will be converted to a discontinued service retirement. I am eligible because a discontinued service retirement is age 50 with 20 years or 25 years at any age to qualify. If found medically recovered and converted to a discontinued service retirement with age 53/28 years of service would I also get the FERS special supplement?

A: Yes, when you reached your minimum retirement age, which is 56.


About Author

Reg Jones was head of retirement and insurance policy at the Office of Personnel Management. Email your retirement-related questions to fedexperts@federaltimes.com.


    • The only way to find out is to apply for disability retirement. Your agency is required to help you fill out the paperwork that will be sent to OPM for evaluation.

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